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Join the tribe of Movement & Calisthenics Athletespeople just like you that are working with their own body weight to get strength, lose fat build muscle, recover from injuries and live their best lives!

Meet Kelsey

Are you tired of rigid fitness routines that don’t adapt to your lifestyle? 

Meet Kelsey, 36, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, a passionate multisport adventurer who found solace in skill-based training despite battling injuries. 

How did the Movement Athlete app transform her inconsistent workout routine into a tailored, injury-conscious regimen that matches her dynamic schedule? 

Let’s dive into his story! 👇


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This is the story of Kelsey- The Movement Athlete


“I’ve also always enjoyed skill-based training rather than simply just putting more weight on a barbell-type training.”

👉Kelsey’s inclination towards skill-based training over conventional weightlifting opened doors to a realm where learning and mastering new movements became her forte. Her preference for skill-based training closely aligns with the principles of calisthenics.  

As a form of exercise, calisthenics emphasizes using one’s body weight for resistance and mastering various bodyweight movements and skills. 

Skill-based training focuses on developing specific abilities or proficiencies rather than increasing strength or endurance. It involves mastering particular movements, techniques, or skills related to a sport, exercise, or activity.  

“The idea of getting upside down and training handstands and such was just a fun idea for me.” 

Calisthenics embodies the essence of skill-based training by prioritizing functional movements that simultaneously engage multiple muscle groups, promoting strength and agility. The emphasis on mastering one’s body in space through intricate movements resonates with Kelsey’s preference for the exhilarating challenge of achieving a perfect handstand.  

Some examples of functional movements in calisthenics include:

  • Push-Ups: Mimicking a pushing motion, push-ups engage the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles, promoting upper body strength.
  • Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups: These movements involve pulling oneself up, engaging the back, arms, and core muscles, and enhancing upper body strength and grip.
  • Squats: A fundamental lower body movement, squats work the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core, promoting leg strength and stability.
  • Planks: Engaging the core, shoulders, and stabilizing muscles, planks enhance core strength and stability, which is crucial for posture and spinal support.
  • Dips: Utilizing the arms and upper body, dips target the triceps, chest, and shoulders, aiding in upper body pushing strength.
  • L-Sits: Involving holding the body in an L-shaped position, L-sits engage the core, hip flexors, and upper body, improving core strength and stability.
  • Handstands: Holding the body upside down with arms extended, handstands engage the shoulders, arms, core, and stabilizing muscles promoting upper body strength, balance, and body awareness.
  • Muscle-Ups: Combining a pull-up and a dip, muscle-ups engage the entire upper body, emphasizing pulling and pushing movements and enhancing overall upper body strength and coordination.
  • Human Flags: Involving holding the body parallel to the ground while gripping a vertical object, human flags target the core, shoulders, and stabilizing muscles, promoting exceptional core strength and stability.
  • Back Levers/Front Levers: Levers movements involve holding the body horizontally, engaging the back, core, and arm muscles, and promoting upper body strength and control.
  • Planche: Holding the body parallel to the ground with arms extended, planche movements engage the core, shoulders, and stabilizing muscles, demanding substantial upper body strength and balance.

Additionally, calisthenics training often involves progressive movements and variations. Just as Kelsey seeks to master new skills in her workouts, this allows her to progress through different variations of exercises, gradually advancing from basic movements to more complex and challenging ones. This progressive approach aligns with the idea of skill acquisition and continual improvement. 

Moreover, calisthenics training offers a range of benefits that cater to physical and mental well-being: 

  • Strength and Muscle Development: Utilizing body weight for resistance helps build strength and muscle mass. Movements like pull-ups, push-ups, and squats engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, fostering overall strength development.
  • Improved Flexibility and Mobility: Many calisthenics movements require a wide range of motion, promoting flexibility and enhancing joint mobility.
  • Enhanced Body Control and Coordination: Calisthenics exercises emphasize control and balance, leading to improved body awareness and coordination.
  • Cost-Effective and Accessible: Minimal equipment is needed for calisthenics, making it accessible anywhere. It’s a cost-effective exercise method without requiring a gym membership or specialized gear.
  • Functional Fitness: Calisthenics movements mimic natural body motions, making them more applicable to real-life activities and improving functional fitness.
  • Cardiovascular Health: Calisthenics routines can be structured to include high-intensity intervals, providing cardiovascular benefits and improving endurance.
  • Adaptability and Progression: Calisthenics offers progressions from basic to advanced movements, allowing individuals to challenge themselves continually and progress at their own pace.
  • Mind-Body Connection: The focus on body control and technique enhances the mind-body connection, fostering mental concentration and focus.
  • Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation: Calisthenics exercises can be adapted to accommodate various fitness levels and assist in injury prevention and rehabilitation.
  • Versatility and Creativity: Calisthenics offers various exercises and movements, allowing creativity in designing workouts and keeping routines interesting and engaging.

These benefits make calisthenics a versatile and effective exercise suitable for individuals at various fitness levels, from beginners to advanced athletes.



Choosing Movement Athlete: Tailored for the Ever-Moving Athlete

“I’m not very consistent in my training, and I really liked that I could set up the app (TMA) to whatever equipment I have available, whatever time I have available, whatever day of the week it is, I can just set it up, and the AI decides what I’m going to do for that day and it’s always ready to go.”

Kelsey’s fitness journey took a turn when her demanding work schedule and a persistent back injury made sticking to a traditional workout routine nearly impossible. That’s when she discovered The Movement Athlete app, a game-changer that adapted to her unpredictable lifestyle and physical limitations in ways she hadn’t imagined.


 “I chose the Movement Athlete specifically for a couple of reasons. The first one is that I travel a lot for work.”

Kelsey’s work demanded constant travel, wreaking havoc on her fitness routine. That’s when she turned to The Movement Athlete app, drawn to its promise of adaptability

No matter where she found herself, whether in a bustling city or a remote location, the app seamlessly adjusted workouts based on her available time and equipment. Its AI-driven system crafted daily workouts, taking the guesswork out of her schedule. Maintaining consistency amidst the chaos of travel became achievable. 

The app became her portable gym, ensuring that fitness remained a constant companion regardless of her ever-changing surroundings.

Regressions for Injury Recovery

“The Movement Athlete app was really able to meet me at the level that I was at. I could regress whatever I needed to regress, and I was able to exercise pain-free, which was fantastic.”

Grappling with certain movements due to this injury, she found solace in the app’s approach. The standard fitness programs she’d attempted only exacerbated the pain. With The Movement Athlete, modified exercises tailored to her injury allowed her to continue exercising without worsening the condition. 

“ When I started training with The Movement Athlete about a year ago, I had two shoulders that didn’t function very well. I had a disk injury in my back. My right ankle was messed up from years of abuse.”

It wasn’t just about workouts; it became a rehabilitation tool. The app provided a safe yet effective path, supporting her journey toward recovery. Its customizable approach ensured that she could maintain physical activity while giving her back the necessary healing space. With each tailored workout, she felt progress without the fear of setbacks.

Comprehensive Holistic Impact

“It’s been a really good companion to have with me on my journey through healing these injuries.”

Beyond physical progress, The Movement Athlete contributed to Kelsey’s well-being. The freedom from constant pain not only enhanced her physical abilities but also positively impacted her mental and emotional state. 

Days passed when her injuries didn’t dominate her thoughts, a testament to the app’s role in alleviating her discomfort and allowing her to focus on her progress rather than limitations.

Embrace the Challenge, Witness the Transformation

“… I’d say give it a shot, give it three months.”

If you’re looking for a fitness companion that adapts to your schedule, adjusts to your surroundings, and fosters progress tailored to your abilities, The Movement Athlete could be your ideal training partner. Kelsey recommend trying it out to experience its transformative potential truly. 

From personalized workouts in any setting to tracking your progress and celebrating milestones, this app offers a comprehensive fitness journey that adapts to your life, helping you achieve your goals effectively and sustainably.

Top Benefits Kelsey’s Experience with The Movement Athlete

“It’s (The Movement Athlete) been a really good companion to have with me on my journey through healing these injuries.”

Personalized Trainer-Like Support

“I think my favorite thing about the program is that it really is like having a trainer with you all the time.” 

The Movement Athlete becomes an indispensable companion in Kelsey’s healing journey, akin to having a dedicated trainer by her side. Its adaptability was its greatest asset, catering to her regardless of her location or the time available. Whether she found herself outdoors, in a limited hotel gym, or even with no equipment, the app always delivered a tailored workout. This level of accessibility eliminated excuses, making it nearly effortless to engage in a workout routine, regardless of the circumstances.

Adaptable to Varied Situations

“And there’s really no excuse not to work out when you have it because it’ll just generate a workout for you in the time that you have in the situation that you’re in. “

The app’s flexibility was a standout feature for Kelsey. It adjusted seamlessly to her ever-changing scenarios—whether she had 15 minutes or a couple of hours or was in a full gym or a less-equipped space. This adaptability ensured a workout was always waiting for her, perfectly suited to the time, location, and available equipment. This adaptability removed barriers to exercise and instilled confidence and motivation, knowing that a workout was always within reach.

Rewarding Progressions and Tracking

“ I think my personal favorite, the thing that I find most rewarding is the progressions themselves. I get really excited by being able to do a new movement with my body that I couldn’t do before.”

Kelsey found immense satisfaction in the progressions offered by the app. The ability to master new movements and witness tangible progress was incredibly motivating. She could trace her journey through the program’s progression tracking feature, noting the dates she conquered each new move. This visual representation of progress was a source of excitement and inspiration, highlighting how far she had come and fueling her determination to continue improving.


Adaptability to Varied Situations and Movement Levels

“Then, of course, the flexibility of the app to meet you where you are that day from time and equipment perspective, but also a movement perspective.”

The app’s flexibility was a game-changer, seamlessly adjusting to Kelsey’s daily circumstances. It accommodated her time constraints, available equipment, and varied movement abilities. 

Its intuitive nature allowed the program to meet her at her current level daily, ensuring workouts remained challenging yet achievable. This adaptability made her workouts more effective and provided a sense of accomplishment as she progressed at her own pace without feeling restricted or overwhelmed by fixed routines.


Progress Tracking

“And being able to see that progress and look back at how far I’ve come through the progressions, and you can see what dates you mastered each move, and just how far you’ve come, it’s really fun to look back at that.”

The ability to monitor her accomplishments through the app’s progress tracking was particularly rewarding for Kelsey. It provided a visual timeline of her growth, showcasing her mastery of each movement and highlighting her evolution over time. 

This retrospective view not only celebrated her achievements but also constantly motivated her to keep pushing boundaries and mastering new skills.



Kelsey’s story illuminates the power of skill-based training and adaptable fitness routines. Her transformative journey with The Movement Athlete app showcases how personalized, injury-conscious workouts in calisthenics revolutionized her fitness routine. 

The app’s adaptability to her dynamic lifestyle, tailored approach to injury recovery, and focus on skill mastery facilitated her year-long transformation. Kelsey experienced enhanced functionality, reduced pain, and comprehensive physical and mental progress through this journey.


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