This is the story of Neil – The Movement Athlete
Neil is a single dad working a traditional 9-5 desk job at North Island Credit Union. In spite of his responsibilities at work and as a father, he’s managed to commit to four to five workouts per week. But this wasn’t always the case.
“Most are your typical compound movements like bench press, squats, deadlifts, shoulder presses, etc. It would either be one that builds muscle or loses fat. Most workouts would last around an hour.”
Despite that very traditional approach to working out, he was intrigued by the idea of calisthenics.
“I’ve always been fascinated about gymnastics and the bodies of gymnasts. They’re alway buff and could perform awesome looking moves.”
“I joined The Movement Athlete because I was interested in learning the 8 fundamental calisthenics moves.”
He learned the importance of daily movement
Joining The Movement Athlete really made a difference to his progress.
“I’m doing exercises that I’ve never heard of and I’m getting stronger every day! Plus the program is easy to follow.”
At first, he continued to follow traditional fitness schedules with calisthenics, but the results just weren’t what he wanted. He now trains at least five days a week, moving and playing the other two.
“If you only spend one or two days a week, you won’t make very good progress and you can regress really quickly on your moves.”
“Once I started doing the program four to five times a week, I was seeing great results!”
He’s learned the importance of committing to healthy eating
He’s found ways to cope with that issue, though: by eating less and better, he’s losing weight, which will ultimately help him hit his fitness goals. “I know that being lean will help me achieve the calisthenics moves I am trying to accomplish. I know I have to eat right.”
“I would watch YouTube video tutorials and try it every morning, but I would get discouraged after many failed attempts and give up.”
Frustrated that these video tutorials weren’t offering enough information for him to gain the skills he wanted, Neil joined The Movement Athlete.
Trust the program and the process!