Join the tribe of Movement & Calisthenics Athletes – people just like you that are working with their own body weight to get strength, lose fat build muscle, recover from injuries and live their best lives!
No time to workout?
Feeling aches and pains from the years of weightlifting or maybe you are bored with doing the same exercises over and over again.
If you need training that is natural,personalised, fits with your lifestyle and will not make you injured – Keep on reading…
Come and Meet Sean
Sean is a 47-year old teacher, devoted husband, and a dad of two loving, young boys. Working for 54 hours a week, he sure is a busy man juggling his work and family life. But even with a heap of esponsibilities, he always has time for a daily workout.

“Sleep early, train before work, and set new goals each week.”
This was Sean’s secret on how he was able to put everything in his life in order. As a History and Physical Education teacher, he didn’t deny how his profession was exhausting him physically, and mentally. His profession requires mastery of a number of subjects, including determination, effort, patience, and passion for what he does.
Now that he is almost to the start of old age (50 years), Sean decided that he should be functionally strong, with better flexibility and of course, a stronger core.
With that in mind, he joined The Movement Athlete Academy, where he learned how to do muscle ups, planches, and etc. Sean was challenged seeing those with more experience than him, do these insane workouts. And he realized,
“I’d like to try this.”

Why Bother With This Workout?
On The Go, Still You’ll Grow
Sean has been vocal about his liking to Calisthenics because it was a type of training “you can do anywhere, anytime, and even at home.”
His training sessions don’t come with a hefty gym membership fee so there is absolutely no excuse to slack off. Once he started his training and got the hang of it, he then progressed to having really cool skills and movements he never thought he could do before.
The Practical Mindset Makes for an Improved Life
When asked about thoughts on training, including his mindset prior to training, Sean couldn’t get any more positive. The Sean before is so different from the Sean now. He realized that he didn’t need to be like those bodybuilders or the bulky guys (on steroids) from the fitness magazines. He says,
“To be functionally strong is much better than being bodybuilder-strong.”
Discipline Level Set on High
Sean notes that his biggest struggle on his fitness journey was having and maintaining perseverance and self-discipline. Apparently, getting into a The Movement Athlete Academy doesn’t just require physical efforts, but laser focus and discipline as well.
Sean wasn’t really the most disciplined guy when he first started training. In fact, he wishes that he should have known that mastery comes with perseverance. As an advice to the other lads, he says, “Be patient, never give up.” It’s cliche, but also very powerful.
“I love learning new skills… [it’s] exciting and never boring. Always changing and evolving and with Movement Athlete the challenge is real.. You start with fundamental skills and it’s just get harder and harder from there ”

“To be functionally strong is much better than being bodybuilder-strong.”
Sean was a coach for a school’s Rugby and Swimming teams way, way back. He was an active person, and you might be wondering why he had to jump from one workout program to another.
He got into Calisthenics mainly because he had too many injuries from all his weight training. Not only that, after some time, it felt really boring. So he needed a new challenge. One like Calisthenics.
How Did It Work Out For Sean?
The husband and dad of two learned a lot of skills from The Movement Athlete Academy. He’s even become dedicated to encourage people to come and try it because according to him, it was:
“One of the most rewarding experiences of my life.”
3 Main Benefits Sean has gained since joining The Movement Athlete

Just the Right Buffness
Calisthenics means serious strength. For Sean, he did a lot of mastered pistol squats, one arm push-ups, tuck planches, handstand push-ups, I-sits, and clutch flags. Sometimes, he struggles a bit. But with the inevitable pain comes the rewarding gain.
“My physique changed hugely. [I] now have a six-pack, my core is very strong, [even] my shoulders and upper body has grown quite a bit.”
He didn’t regret (even a bit) starting the Calisthenics journey, surely. Sometimes, the trainings drive him a bit “insane,” but he can’t just lose to a challenge. That’s what keeps him on his toes.

Positive Mental Energy
If you think your mind has nothing to do with working out, you are completely mistaken. Sean has this figured out upon training in the The Movement Athlete Academy. He shares, “[I am] mentally more positive and energetic,” which makes him feel better and reduce the perception of pain in the body. Basically, it also acts as a “natural high” and counteracts thoughts of depression. His new mindset after trying Calisthenics was to:
“Sleep early, train before work,
and set new goals each week.”

More Time With Family
Sean was able to spend more time with his family by doing Calisthenics. He sometimes does trainings at home, and his sons would see him working out, so there’s bonding time for them. Unlike other workout programs, Sean says, “You don’t need to train long, just train with quality,” and you’re good to go!
Sean’s advice to anyone curious about Calisthenics
Everyone is blessed with the gift of choice. Sean chose to be better. He was able to bring out the best in him without sacrificing being a family man through Calisthenics.