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Join the tribe of Movement & Calisthenics Athletespeople just like you that are working with their own body weight to get strength, lose fat build muscle, recover from injuries and live their best lives!

✨Meet Wagner

Ever felt lost in the world of fitness, trying to find the perfect routine that genuinely resonates with you? 

This is precisely what happened to Wagner, a 34-year-old from Brazil. His journey led him to discover a passion for bodyweight exercises, mobility, and a deeper connection to his body.

Let’s delve into his story. 👇

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This is the story of Wagner – The Movement Athlete


I’ve never liked academia (gym). I’ve been in academia, but I don’t like to pull the weight as much as other people. So I decided to test the exercise with my own bodyweight, and that was what made me happy.

Wagner’s approach to fitness revolves around bodyweight exercises, a method he’s embraced for about five years. This choice stems from a deliberate aversion to conventional weightlifting commonly practiced in traditional gym settings, which he found less appealing. 

The culture of “pulling weight” didn’t resonate with him as intensely as others in that setting.

Wagner’s decision to opt for bodyweight exercises demonstrates his desire for a more personalized, adaptable, and liberating approach to fitness—one that allows him to exercise naturally and enjoyably.

🌟 Holistic BodyWeight Fitness: Self-Discovery and Mobility 

“So I decided to test the exercise with my own body, and that was what made me happy.” 

He is inclined toward workouts that leverage the body’s weight as resistance, focusing on exercises that rely on one’s body mass for strength-building and conditioning. This choice aligns with his preferences and reflects a desire for a more holistic understanding of his body’s capabilities and limitations, which is integral to his fitness journey.

“I am also working on mobility, at the same time that I do some exercises and discovering my own body.” 

Wagner’s integration of mobility exercises alongside his workouts reflects a holistic fitness approach. Prioritizing flexibility and joint function, he nurtures adaptability while exploring his body’s nuances. This commitment signifies a more profound self-discovery, optimizing exercises for personalized fitness. His approach embodies a holistic philosophy, fostering a profound mind-body connection in his wellness journey.”

Mobility refers to the body’s ability to move freely and effectively through a complete range of motion around joints and muscles. It encompasses: 

  • Flexibility
  • Joint function
  • Stability
  • Overall movement capability. 

Mobility isn’t just about flexibility; it also involves control, strength, and coordination within that range of motion. It denotes the ease and quality of movement across various physical activities, enabling individuals to perform tasks efficiently while minimizing the risk of injury.

Mobility exercises offer numerous benefits that contribute to overall physical well-being:

  • Enhanced Flexibility: Regular mobility exercises increase flexibility, improving the body’s ability to move through a full range of motion.
  • Joint Health: These exercises promote joint mobility and can alleviate stiffness, reducing the risk of injuries and enhancing joint function.
  • Improved Posture: Mobility exercises help correct muscle imbalances, leading to better posture and reduced strain on the body.
  • Increased Strength: They contribute to functional strength development, enhancing movement stability and control.
  • Injury Prevention: By enhancing flexibility and range of motion, mobility exercises lower the risk of injury during physical activities or daily tasks.
  • Better Performance: Improved mobility often translates to better athletic performance, agility, and overall movement efficiency.
  • Reduced Pain: They can alleviate muscle tension and pain associated with tight muscles or restricted movement.

Enhanced Mind-Body Connection: Engaging in mobility exercises fosters a deeper connection between the body and mind, promoting body awareness and control.

 🌟 Discovering Calisthenics: A Fitness Epiphany 

“I don’t know how to do it. I tried to find a way to do it. Researching on the internet that didn’t involve the weight, pulling the weight on machines.” 

Wagner’s journey started with a quest to find an exercise regimen that didn’t involve traditional weightlifting. The search led him to calisthenics, a fitness approach rooted in bodyweight exercises performed outdoors and customized to individual preferences. 

Rejecting the confines of a gym, Wagner found liberation in exercising freely, on his terms, whenever and wherever he desired.

Calisthenics offered him a unique set of qualities that aligned with his preferences and became instrumental in shaping his approach to staying fit. This newfound approach became his passion and an integral part of his life, something he plans to continue indefinitely. 

Here are the qualities of calisthenics that connected with Wagner’s fitness goal: 

  • Versatile Training Environments: Calisthenics allows exercise in open spaces, liberating practitioners from conventional gym setups.
  • Tailored Exercise Routines: Its adaptable nature lets individuals personalize workouts, accommodating various preferences and skill levels.
  • Focus on Mobility and Control: Calisthenics emphasizes mobility exercises, promoting body movement and enhanced control, aligning with a holistic fitness approach.
  • Functional Strength Cultivation: Rather than sheer muscle mass, Calisthenics cultivates functional strength, fostering the ability to perform daily tasks efficiently.
  • Sustainability and Long-Term Commitment: It offers a sustainable fitness regimen, appealing to those seeking a lifelong dedication to fitness without monotony.

The Movement Athlete Connection: A Tailored Fitness Journey

“I decided to use The Movement Athlete because, among the various apps out there on the internet, it is what I’m most close to what I want, which is to learn the abilities of the calisthenics.” 

Choosing the right fitness app was crucial for Wagner’s journey, and The Movement Athlete stood out among the myriad of options available online. 

What drew him to TMA was its alignment with his goal of mastering calisthenics. He sought not just to build muscle but to develop functional strength—avoiding excessive muscle mass and aiming for a body capable of functional force.

Functional strength involves exercises that engage multiple muscle groups and mimic real-life movements. Here are bodyweight exercises that promote functional strength: 

  • Squats: Engage the lower body muscles, mimicking movements like sitting and standing. Focus on maintaining proper form and a full range of motion.
  • Push-Ups: Strengthen the chest, shoulders, and triceps, essential for pushing movements like opening doors or pushing objects.
  • Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups: Develop upper body strength and pulling motions for lifting and pulling oneself up.
  • Lunges: Work on lower body strength and stability, resembling movements like climbing stairs or bending to pick something up.
  • Planks: Engage the core muscles, promoting stability and supporting various functional movements.
  • Deadlifts (with body weight): Mimic the movement of picking up an object from the ground, engaging the legs, glutes, and back.
  • Dips: Strengthen the triceps and chest, which is important for pushing oneself from a seated position or pushing objects.

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And TMA, I’ve been using it for a few months, and I’m starting to understand how I can get there with it, and the application is also helping me.”

His experience with The Movement Athlete over a few months has been transformative. The app guides him toward his fitness goals but also aids in understanding how to achieve them. It has become an invaluable tool in his pursuit of functional fitness through calisthenics.

Here are the guiding principles of The Movement Athlete: 

  • Continuous Progress Visualization: See daily progress towards superhuman results.
  • Structured Progression & Mastery: Guide from zero to advanced moves, enhancing strength and mobility.
  • Supportive Community & Accountability: Backing at every stage; celebrate successes, empathize with challenges.
  • Tailored Personalization: No more generic levels; customize your fitness journey.
  • Focus on the Process Rather than Quick Results: Focus on gradual gains, unlocking new skills.
  • Enjoyable Learning & Fitness Experience: Transform exercise into fun while gaining skills and fitness.

Wagner case study


🤸 Unveiling the TMA Experience: Personalization Redefined

“In relation to the app, what I like most, in fact, I have several options, among them, the question of whether you choose the time you want to train. If you have a short train, you can put on a short train. And if you have more time, you can put on a long train.”

TMA’s influence on Wagner’s fitness journey is palpable. The application’s interface allowed him to meticulously select his workout durations, accommodating his schedule, whether short or extended sessions. 

It guided Wagner to commence exercises aligned with his abilities, encouraging self-awareness and a gradual progression tailored to his body’s responses. It stands out for its unparalleled dedication to personalization. 

For individuals like Wagner, who sought a more tailored approach to fitness, TMA emerged as a beacon of customization in an often one-size-fits-all landscape. This app doesn’t just offer workouts; it crafts an experience deeply aligned with individual preferences and goals.

Moreover, Wagner’s commitment to calisthenics has inspired his son to embark on a similar fitness journey. Following in his father’s footsteps, his son has started learning calisthenics exercises. 

The beauty of calisthenics and The Movement Athlete lies in its inclusivity; it knows no age boundaries. This shared passion for calisthenics fosters a stronger bond between father and son and exemplifies how this form of fitness transcends generations.

Here are the key aspects highlighting the exceptional personalization offered by The Movement Athlete:

  • Tailored Philosophy: TMA aligns workouts with individual preferences, catering to those, like Wagner, who prefer outdoor, self-paced exercises, providing a platform for personalized training.
  • Functional Focus: The app emphasizes functional muscle development over sheer mass, resonating deeply with Wagner’s fitness ideology. It prioritizes strength that applies to daily life rather than aiming solely for bulk.
  • Mindfulness Incorporated: TMA doesn’t just offer exercises; it cultivates a deeper mental connection. Each movement guided by the app becomes an avenue for introspection and understanding one’s body beyond the physical aspect.
  • Adaptive Approach: Personalization isn’t a one-time affair with TMA; it’s an ongoing process. The app tailors workouts to individual abilities, allowing gradual progression and adjusting exercises based on the body’s responses and energy levels.
  • Ownership and Commitment: TMA’s commitment to personalization isn’t just a feature; it’s the core philosophy. Tailoring the fitness journey to each individual fosters a sense of ownership and dedication to long-term well-being.

4 Top Benefits Wagner Gained from Calisthenics Through The Movement Athlete

Personalized Fitness

“The app is extremely personalized to you.”

Wagner experienced a tailored approach to fitness through The Movement Athlete. The app allowed him to start exercises that suited his fitness level, ensuring a gradual progression without overwhelming his body. 

It doesn’t impose a standardized workout routine; it encourages Wagner to assess his capabilities, adjust exercises accordingly, and even start from scratch if needed. 

The app’s emphasis on personalization empowered Wagner to fine-tune his workouts. He could modify exercises to match his body’s responses, avoiding overexertion or injury. This adaptability ensured a sustainable and effective fitness routine that evolved with his progress.

Focus on Functional Strength

“ …you’re building a functional muscle. I want a body with functional force. “

Embracing calisthenics, Wagner found alignment with his preference for functional strength over muscle size. Calisthenics emphasized exercises using body weight, promoting strength that translated into practical movements for daily activities. This focus resonated with Wagner’s desire for strength with practical utility.

Understanding Body Movements

 “…it’s been helping me a lot to understand every movement I do with my body.”

The Movement Athlete provided Wagner with comprehensive guidance through detailed instructions and videos. This helped him understand the intricacies of each exercise, ensuring proper technique and effective muscle engagement. Wagner’s workouts became more than physical exertion; they involved mindful execution, enhancing quality.

Quality Training Sessions

“What I like most is that I have several options, among them, the question of whether you choose the time you want to train.”

TMA’s flexibility allowed Wagner to structure workouts based on available time. He could adapt his training to fit his schedule, whether a shorter, intense session or a longer, more comprehensive one. This flexibility facilitated consistent training without compromising on quality.


Wagner’s journey reflects the transformative power of personalized fitness and his symbiotic relationship with The Movement Athlete. He suggests exploring TMA’s potential until one reaches a point of absolute comfort and dominance over one’s physicality.

Wagner’s Calisthenics journey with The Movement Athlete embodies personalized fitness. The app aligns perfectly with his goals, creating a powerful synergy between his aspirations and the tailored application.

As he continues sculpting his body, mastering movements, and delving deeper into his fitness odyssey, his narrative stands as a beacon for those seeking a personalized, transformative fitness experience.