
Join the tribe of Movement & Calisthenics Athletespeople just like you that are working with their own body weight to get strength, lose fat build muscle, recover from injuries and live their best lives!

Today we want to get you on a little secret and what we have learned about MOTIVATION from working with thousands of students over the past 10 years

But first let me introduce you to Pete.

“OMG! I finally got it!”

– I heard Pete – one of our students – screaming after he finally did his first-ever pull-up!

Pete did not miss a single workout for over a year.

A fluke you say? I beg to differ…

Back in the days when I was doing personal training Pete joined our gym.

He was training with me for over 2 months at that point.

He was 30 something,
active his whole life but he dreamt of having gymnast like body,
being able to do some cool looking calisthenics skills and
get rid of the shoulder and lower back pain that has been nagging him.

He has never done calisthenics or any sort of gymnastics but was determined to learn.

Over the two months we went through most of the fundamental movements.

Pete developed enough mobility to
💪 squat without problems,
💪 hold a wall handstand,
💪 do 12 pushups
but he was really struggling with pulling strength.

He followed a pull-up progressions that we established and instead of waiting for this big milestone to happen…

every week 🎉we celebrated another small progression that he achieved.🏆

He was slowly moving from ring pulls to more difficult negatives, from harder to lighter and lighter bands.

He was so excited about his progress

not because he was moving faster than any average person but because every few days he was moving to a harder step in the progression

and every time he did – we celebrated!🎉

I will never forget his face when he did his first pull-up.

His eyes lit up, he looked at me in disbelief and when he got off the bar he jumped like a kid.

“OMG, I did it!”

Pete was not the first person that I saw being so excited when he finally mastered a skill.

Watching my students getting their first cartwheel, first pull up, being able to hold their handstand or even crow for a few seconds was probably the most rewarding part about coaching.

And then they would ask:

“Hey, coach – what’s next?”

This excitement was a reflection of two very powerful things happening:

1. They were making progress – for real – getting stronger, more flexible, mobile, getting more control. Their hard work paid off and they had proof.  They could touch it, feel it, and show off to others.

2. They were becoming the person they always wanted to be  – the person that is strong & mobile enough to be able to do these skills.

We realized that what kept our students coming back and constantly motivated was the ever-evolving challenge of bodyweight mastery but it ONLY WORKED when it was broken down into smaller milestones.

As soon as we stopped celebrating the milestones or saw students who did not have milestones set up at all – they were losing motivation.

As a team of trainers, we wanted to have more of these exciting moments happening for our students.

That’s why when building The Movement Athlete Academy –
we brought onboard trainers from many different disciplines: gymnastics, calisthenics, movement, physiotherapy and all sat together to see how we can bring that gamified calisthenics system to live.

And that’s how The Movement Athlete was born.

We wanted to build a system that can replace us as personalized coaches and guide anyone from zero to some of the most advanced calisthenics and gymnastics skills, step by step.

Luke testimonial

We did not want another 8-week program that you pick up and leave.

We wanted to invite you on a journey of a lifetime.

No matter where you are at right now

No matter where in the world you live
what equipment do you have or
what’s your previous fitness experience

But all the more we really wanted you to be excited to train, knowing that every day you are moving towards your goal.

We wanted a system that will celebrate you and every smallest progress that you make.

And even now – when we ask our 59,678 users about their favorite thing about TMA we always get the answer about how the progressions towards moves are broken down and gamified.

Just hear it directly from them

🏆 Always motivated & excited to train
“Mentally, I’ve started getting used to working hard, and have really made an effort to take my time during each exercise.” – Liam


🏆 I am having so much fun
“It’s like a game, with levels and all that, so that was a bit exciting, it was very interesting to see.” – William

🏆 “Absolutely love the gamified progressions of exercises. It’s so motivating!”– Jon

🏆 “My favorite thing about TMA is having progress for moves broken down in a very clear and concise way. I see a clear path to bodyweight mastery and it makes me want to train all the time” – Nia


TMA system is structured for optimum sustainability & motivation

With our incredible team of trainers and physios we created a “map” of calisthenics skills –  from the fundamental ones to some of the most advanced ones.

We deconstructed each one of them to understand what goes into it and how to safely take someone from zero to achieving the skill.

And eventually we connected them together.

The image below is a high-level example of how we would go about achieving a handstand.

How to achieve a freestanding handstand

Note that achieving each skill is broken down small steps that increase in difficulty as you workout.

Freestanding Handstand_a

And each step is a milestone that we celebrate.

This Advanced Gamification System of calisthenics training is designed to make your calisthenics training feel less like training…

And more like an exciting game.

It includes different levels to unlock.

And a unique progression system that’ll make you jump out of bed every morning to push a little bit further

We’re sure you’ll experience some huge shifts to the way you approach fitness as it did for so many of our users.

So the only question is:

Are you ready to become insanely strong, mobile, lean, and pain-free?💪

Take the first step and become a Movement Athlete.


TMA app
If you have been on the edge about calisthenics this is your chance to get access to the years of world-class programming at the fraction of the cost.

NOW is the time to act.

After using the app for a while…

You’ll be well on the road to becoming insanely strong, with bulletproof joints and plenty of flexibility.


📌 Final thought

You won’t find any other programs like ours out there.

So, unless you want to pay thousands of dollars for an in-person coach….

This is your best chance to get on a journey of bodyweight mastery, with zero risk on your part.

We’ll see you inside.

Stay strong

The Movement Athlete Team


Check out The Movement Athlete and begin your journey with a proper assessment of your current capabilities.💪💪💪



Image of the app