
The BodyweightGurus Mobility System is a vast collection of techniques and insights which I have learnt from decades of training across multiple disciplines – I’ve pulled them all together into an order that makes sense, so that we can all benefit from them.” – Ricky Warren

Normally, this information is not divulged to the client. A trainer or therapist may or may not know these techniques, but in general will not educate you in the how’s and why’s of the program they give you. Many of the techniques I provide in this course are researched in deep sport science and require high levels of anatomical and physiological understanding.

In general when we approach a task such as retraining connective tissues and the nervous system, we have to understand that our faulty patterns are in much more use daily then the corrective work that we do. We spend more time sitting incorrectly than doing corrective exercise. We also can’t afford a massage every day from an Osteopath.

So because of the intense, regular work that needs to be done to reverse a dysfunction, it is imperative that we learn how to do most of these things for ourselves. To take responsibility for the self – to do what is required every day until the problem is fixed or the goal is achieved. That is the purpose of this course, to educate you in how to do that for yourself.

The order is intended to be worked through systematically, offering guidance and technical support to take a joint all the way from injury up to elite level performance.

The BodyweightGurus Mobility system uses the anagram ARAMES:

✅Assessment, ✅Release, ✅Activation, ✅Mobilisation, ✅End-range conditioning and ✅Strength Conditioning.



👉Before we know if we should work on a joint we need to assess the joint. The assessment is covered in the first module of our Bulletproof Shoulder Course and includes detailed and accurate techniques for assessing all directions and ranges of mobility in the shoulder and scapula joints.



👉If we have a joint that is dysfunctional in a certain direction, there will be certain strings of tension in the body that cause issues for us when trying to move that joint in a certain direction. 

These muscles and connective tissues need to be released from that chronic tension and stored trauma. This section is about using self-administered myofascial release therapy and stretching to release trigger points in the muscles and connective tissue, allowing them return to an  elastic phase so we can work better with them.



👉Here we work on activating tissues that have become disengaged and are not performing their roles correctly. They are asleep in a way, due to a lack of neuromuscular control and motor path development. 

Whichever tissues around the joint are storing tension or overactive are doing too much of the work and pulling the joint out of place or compressing it, so the muscles that oppose it (antagonists) become inactive or ‘asleep’. Therefore we need to activate these tissues. 

We do that after the release stage because any tension stored around the area inhibits us from moving in certain ways. For instance, if your shoulder is dropped forward because your Pectorals and your Bicep are really tight, we have to release that tension before we can engage the antagonists in order to maximally activate the ‘sleeping’ tissues.



👉Once we have removed excessive tension from different areas of the body and we have activated the areas which are not doing their job properly, we start to mobilise the joint which means to train it to move and glide smoothly within it’s capsule, expressing all of it’s maximal planes of movement with control.



👉End Range Conditioning means having neuromuscular control and strength in the end range of the movement of the joint. Through the exercises in this module we condition the joint and all the surrounding tissue and structures to be strongest in the end ranges, using the absolute latest techniques that verified sport science can offer today.



👉This final module is to reintegrate the joint back into holistic compound movements of the body. It’s important because although in the other modules we isolated the joint and worked specifically on it, we now need to allow the body to learn how to use that joint as part of bigger, compound movements so that it can groove the new patterns into the subconscious. 

So strength conditioning exercises are designed to use that joint in its full range of motion but with other joints being involved as well, so we can reintegrate the rehabilitated joint back into the body and improve the overall biomechanics. 

👊 At this point, when the full course has been worked through I also advise doing a reassessment, which allows us to see if we have achieved our goals by comparing our new ranges to those of the initial assessment. Any issues which still come up can then be put through the system again or referred to a professional.

Using this system module by module is the most effective way to remodel tissue and rehabilitate joints back to full health and beyond.

Ricky Warren, Founder of Bodyweight Gurus

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