Join the tribe of Movement & Calisthenics Athletes – people just like you that are working with their own body weight to get strength, lose fat build muscle, recover from injuries and live their best lives!
If you’re missing workouts right now…
Wouldn’t it feel great to be proud of how consistent you are?
To feel like, “I may not be able to control everything. But I get my workouts in damn it!!”
It’s nobody’s fault.
Change is hard.
If a change was easy, we’d all be billionaires with six-packs and perfect human flags.
That’s the secret that the “super consistent” club knows –
You gotta make working out AS EASY AS POSSIBLE.
Or else you’re just setting yourself up for failure.
Are you ready to join the “super consistent” club?
🥇Step 1: Focus on ONE THING at a time

The One Thing is possibly the greatest book about goal setting.
The key message?
Look at your goal setting like a set of dominoes.
You find the most important goal right now.
The one action that will make everything else easier.
Then, you relentlessly focus on that ONE thing, until you’ve accomplished it.
What’s this mean for you?
If you’re doing a bunch of different training and sports right now, focus on one for a while.
One new habit.
Speaking of time, if you’re also interested in how to find time for your workout, click here to know what our Movement Athletes have to say!
🥈Step 2: Find your “why”
If your “why” is strong enough, you can push through any obstacle.
Which means –
You gotta dig DEEP and figure out why training is important to you.
We talked about this in our email about strength a few days ago.
No matter what your goal:
✅ Healing an injury
✅ More energy
✅ Incredibly strength
You need to drill down and figure out WHY that’s important to you.
Don’t stop until you find a reason that feels powerful.
Because as David Goggins, ex Navy Seal and Ultramarathoner says,

When you’re tired as hell, and your mind is screaming, you’ll be asking yourself – Why the hell am I doing this?
And if you don’t have an answer, you’re going to quit real fast.”
One thing to keep in mind when aiming for your goal is that washboard 6-packs and a chiseled god-like body is great but it shouldn’t be your main goal.
Yes, it can boost your confidence. Yes, it can make you more attractive and accepted in our society.
But we have to understand that having a great physique is MIGHT reflect a healthy body but it doesn’t necessarily portray real world strength.
What’s real world strength 💪 you may ask?
Is it how much you bench? How fast you run? Is it how much you can deadlift? How much you can curl?
“I’m no longer troubled by back pain which helps my self-confidence a whole lot (for those who suffered from back pain, they surely know what I mean).”
Hans is a 39-year old company coach in Belgium. When asked what it meant to have real world strength, it’s about having self-confidence back and knowing that he has a strong healthy body that can move without pain.
His strength training with calisthenics transcends into emotional and mental strength which he finds purposeful in real life situations.
“I always struggled with back pain, however, I figure it was part of the process “no pain no gain”. 2015 this back pain started getting far worse. To the point of taking pain killers all the time. By the time I started losing track of how many pain killers I was taking I knew I had to do something. Sucking up my ego, I went to the doctor, ‘No lifting more than 15 pounds.’ This destroyed me! Calisthenics isn’t new to me, its where I started when I was 18. Now being 30, its where I begin again! Finding a new love for it, and even now that my back is feeling better. I have actually sworn off weight lifting!”
Mark is a jack of all trades who was a gym rat in his twenties, until back issues forced him to rethink his fitness habits. If you can’t lift more than 15 lbs, weight lifting and traditional gym workouts just aren’t possible anymore.
Good thing calisthenics has been able to assist in his strength goals and that made him realize what he really needs in terms of his fitness journey.
“Freedom. I’m free from the pain and free to actually move easier. For one, if you’ve got an itch in the middle of your back you’re going to scratch it.”
At the age of 35, Tim has been known as a hardworking husband to his lovely wife and a doting father to his 5-year old son. Having graduated as an industrial engineer, he now works as a managing director of a cosmetic private label production company in Belgium. In order to fulfill his responsibilities with his family and at work, he needs to have a body that can move freely. Even the simple movements like being able to scratch your own back have massive impact on everyday living.
These Movement Athletes found their why’s in their training that’s there were able to train more consistently and passionately. They what to be strong but not just strong; STRONG IN THE REAL WORLD
Noticed that REAL STRENGTH has many faces and for each and everyone, it might take a different shape and form. But certainly, it’s so much more than just muscles and looks.
That’s why we shouldn’t be too caught up and obsessed with just looking strong, fit and healthy.
We have to be real-world strong, fit and healthy.
🥉Step 3: Get accountability
This is probably the most important step.
If you’ve ever done athletics at a young age, you know:
It’s WAY easier to train consistently when you’re on a team.
Because you’re expected to show up.
So, get help from others.
Message a friend, or better yet join an accountability group.
Put some skin in the game.
A private group for motivated people to share their goals –
And get accountability and support.
A place to celebrate achievements and progress.
You can find your accountability group from various places even online similar to our Movement Athlete community.
Movement Athletes come from all walks of life; all ages, different countries, occupations, different skill levels.
Yet they find one thing in common: to train for a healthy, overall balanced, real-world strong body with bullet proof joints throughout their years.
If you’re interested in joining, click this link to “raise your hand” – that’s all you have to do.