Learning calisthenics skills for maximum results, holistic health and fun

Join the tribe of Movement & Calisthenics Athletespeople just like you that are working with their own body weight to get strength, lose fat build muscle, recover from injuries and live their best lives!

calisthenics training program

Hey tribe! As you know the Team at The Movement Athlete  has been hard at work to bring together a brand new app – a gamified platform for skill-based training that will not only bring fun and a new dimension of motivation to your training – but all the more will take you on the journey to be healthier, stronger, leaner and more mobile with our calisthenics training program.

👊 Welcome to our calisthenics journey, where training is about more than just results; it’s about embracing a holistic approach to health and fitness. Whether you’re new to bodyweight training or a seasoned athlete, our app offers a unique way to build strength, mobility, and flexibility.
Today, we want to explore the moves you’ll learn inside the app and how they are structured to guide your progress effectively.

Inside the app, you’ll find over 100 dynamic moves, each organized on a comprehensive movement map to guide your progress. This structure helps you work toward specific skills that represent new levels of physical mastery. It’s not just about getting stronger or more flexible—it’s about reaching your personal goals, whether it’s fat loss, muscle building, or unlocking insane strength.

And the best part? This isn’t just a one-time training guide. We’re constantly updating and evolving the app with new features, moves, and content to keep you engaged and progressing.
If you’re interested in lifetime access to all current and future updates, it’s never too late to snap a lifetime access. Don’t miss out on becoming part of a product that keeps you growing alongside it.

Back to the moves! 💪💪💪

“If you want to live a good life in your older years, start training now.”

✅ Deconstructing the moves

As you know, we approach the movement from a very scientific point of view. Our team of coaches and physios deconstruct each move understanding what goes into it – what muscles, flexibility, mobility, strength, skill and then create a step by step path that can take anyone from zero to performing that move (we will talk about deconstruction in next blog post). 

We think about our physical potential as a journey- you start with simple moves, build the foundation, learn the basics, make sure your joints, your muscles and your tendons are ready to handle higher loads and more complex moves and once they are we lead you towards the harder and harder moves. 

✅ Turning movement training into a game you can’t lose

Think about it as a map of treasures and quests – just this time the moves are the quests. The system carefully guides you through all those little important things through a personalised training plan. Step by step helping you unlock harder and harder moves.

Note that we are just getting started and even though we have over 100 new moves in the app the library will be growing as we go along as well as offered assessment and complexity of the app. 

best calisthenics app

✅ Taking you safely from zero to advanced moves

So how do you safely take someone from zero to planche? muscle up? front levers? backflips? You lead them, constantly assessing where they are on those different attributes and adjusting training daily making sure that the progress is effective and safe. 

With our team, we created a whole map of moves – all interconnected where we map exactly what you need to develop to safely move forward. 

We also categorized the moves based on complexity ensuring that we keep the playfulness, feeling of constant progress and holistic approach to overall body development. 

Below is an outline of how the moves are divided and what moves you can expect to learn in current app. 

100 Calisthenics Moves you can Start Today 

The moves you will be learning are divided into different categories.Just like in the game we have:


“Main Missions are the main moves in gymnastic and calisthenics. They require lots of preparation and progressions and usually take a long time to achieve

Main missions are divided into fundamentals and advanced. They are very important as a make a base for all the advanced moves.


Full body Training that prepares you to tackle all the advanced moves, ensuring even body development and right levels of mobility and flexibility.

calisthenics fundamentals

Once you achieve the  fundamental moves you unlock harder & harder moves – so

Back Fundamental unlocks Back Lever and Bridges Progression,

Wall Handstand unlocks – Handstand Pushup and Free Standing HAndstand and so on…

The way system is structured is that not only it makes sure that you develop all the attributes that are prerequisites for a given move – keeping you safe. But also that every single day you are making effective progress towards your goal.  Once done with fundamentals that are obligatory you are able to choose what you want to be working on.

Some of the advanced moves that you will see in the app are

– Human Flag

– Back Lever

– Front Lever

– Handstand Walk

– Handstand Push-Up

– Handstand Press

– Bridge

– Sitting Press

– Planche

– Muscle Ups

– Ring Dips

… and more.


“Side quests are additional moves that still require progressions but they are not a core of your program. They are usually small and fun moves that help you develop strenght and skill”

Just like any move in our program – these moves also have prerequisties and are unlock as you go along.

Some of the side quests in our new app are:

– Cartwheel

– Backwards Roll

– Butterfly

– Elevated Bridge

– Headstand

-Freestanding Handstand Pushup


“Single moves don’t have progressions. They include everything from one off moves eg a corow, variations of particular exercises, to connecting two different exercises (transitions) to connecting multiple exercises – what we call flow”

Some of the single skills that you will be learning inside the app:



-Pushup Variations eg. Aztec Pushup, X Pushup, Superman Pushup, Decline One Arm Pushup,

– Cartwheel Variations 

– Pull Up Variations 

– Handstand Variations



– Forward Roll to Handstand, Front Lever to Back Lever, Handstand to Planche, Handstand to Bridge etc



– Combining Handstand to Bridge to Walk Over etc


– eg Crow, Knee Scale, Grapevine, Bear Walk, Pike Jump

We are opening moves library to experienced trainers to create a filled with creativity library of different moves you can be learning

🔎 As you can see, the structure is there to keep fun and light approach while helping you safely push boundaries, stay playful but at the same time effective in your training. 

Get fit by learning cool moves