Join the tribe of Movement & Calisthenics Athletes – people just like you that are working with their own body weight to get strength, lose fat build muscle, recover from injuries and live their best lives!

Carol is a 68-year-old who lives 50 miles south of Washington D.C. She’s been married for 42 years, with no children. Despite having no kiddies to nurture, she engaged herself in the community as a personal trainer and worked hard to be a good role model. Most people that Carol knows often give her compliments of being very energetic and athletic, compared to most of the people.
Now, with the additional help of The Movement Athlete Academy, she is getting closer and closer to achieving her fitness goals and becoming more efficient as a personal trainer.
“I should have done this 10 years ago!”
Stagnant Workout Routines to Trainings That Work
Carol admitted that she stopped pushing herself a couple of years ago. This led to her gaining 10 pounds in around 5 years. She was mostly immersed in light training–cardio on the elliptical trainer and weight training, paired with some yoga and flow classes. She then began meeting, albeit inconsistently, with a personal trainer who introduced her to calisthenics training.
Then, she decided to join The Movement Athlete Academy and was hooked. She was pleased at how efficient and easy it was.

“Once I set my mind to it, it was relatively easy.”
Getting Older, Yet Getting Fitter
Carol, despite her age, was able to accomplish and enjoy her calisthenics training. Hence, the saying, “age is just a number.” Enrolling into The Movement Athlete Academy helped Carol get back into shape. At first, she thought she wouldn’t stick with the program and that it would be a waste of money, but she figured that it’s too early to judge the program by its face value. Before she knew it, she was slowly but surely getting closer to achieving her fitness goals.
The 3 Main Benefits Carol has gained
since starting Calisthenics

Fun, Easy, and Hassle-Free
Carol can attest to this. Her calisthenics training didn’t eat up a lot of her time and didn’t even require her to go to a gym. It turns out that the bulky equipment you’d only find in gyms isn’t a requirement for fitness.
“30 minutes, 3 times a week.
How hard is that? You don’t need a gym either.”
The Movement Athlete Academy offered her an enjoyable bodyweight training program that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Exercise, without the hassle!

Results Are Plain to See
“I am full of energy, get lots of compliments, and my gym hired me as a personal trainer so I could be a role model for their 60+ members.”
Carol had some trouble getting the hang of her new calisthenics program. Her nervous system was struggling to deal with the changes in her routine. However, she eventually got used to it.
“It is the quickest way to change your body composition. I started at 28% body fat and now I am around 14%. Went down 35 lbs and from size 10-12 to 4-6..”
The next thing she knew, she was able to do a kipping pull-up. Her next goal is to do a full, unassisted pull-up and a handstand.

Structured Approach
“Keep a log so you can see your progress. The Movement Athlete Academy does that for you.”
One thing Carol really appreciated about The Movement Athlete Academy was its structured approach to their bodyweight training program. Their courses are arranged systematically and in such a way that even newbies can easily understand. The Movement Athlete Academy even helps Carol to track her progress. So even if you’re new to the program, it isn’t that difficult to just jump in and get into it.

Carol’s advice to anyone curious about calisthenics
Carol knew that she could have done calisthenics training ten years ago. Even so, she still pushed through with her training at 68 years old. If she were to encourage someone who wanted to get started with the program, but was unsure:
“Tell them my story and let the results speak for itself.”
If you want to make a change for the better, you need to set aside all of your doubts and just take the plunge. Carol did just that. She was afraid that this would be a waste of time and money. But even with that doubt in her mind, she pursued the program. Now, she’s living with the benefits that come with it.