Join the tribe of Movement & Calisthenics Athletes – people just like you that are working with their own body weight to get strength, lose fat build muscle, recover from injuries and live their best lives!
As you should already know, the key to continually improving in calisthenics is through progressions. Calisthenics is all about progressions.
🔎A progression is a step-by-step set of exercises that are organized in order to reach your goal.
There are also tons of progressions you can choose from to learn the front lever. But if you want to learn how to do the front lever in an efficient, effective, safe and fun way, then this progression is for you. 💪
The Front Lever Journey 🏆
The front lever journey is long. Well, that depends on your current level but even if you’re already advanced and near front lever, it took you a while before getting there, right?
That’s why you need to take the proper steps to achieve your goal.

🎯 Remember the basics
First, you need to remember the fundamental requirement of the front lever.
You need to have a strong bodyline, meaning a strong core, before attempting the latter progressions.
To build up your core strength and bodyline here’s a progression for beginners, intermediates, and even advanced athletes that struggle with their core strength.

The Front Lever Progression 💪
Once you have mastered your bodyline, it’s time to get started with the actual front lever progression.
You’ll be engaging your core the whole time. That’s what the earlier progression is for: to prepare you for the more challenging use of your core. Because with the following exercises, the core is just one element. You’ll be using your arms, back, chest, shoulders, legs, your whole body basically!

1. Dragon Flag Tucks Lower Down
Mastery: 3 sets of 10 reps
How to Perform:
- Begin lying flat on the floor, back straight.
- Tuck knees into chest, knees bent at a 90 degree angle with toes pointed.
- Keeping abs tense, slowly lower your hips to the floor, knees tucked until all vertebrae are flat on the floor.

2. Dragon Flag Tuck Hold
Mastery: 2 sets of 15 second hold
How to Perform:
- To begin with you will need a curved sit up bench. Rest your back on the bench and grip the handle normally.
- Keep your hips and knees bent such that feet are placed on the floor.
- Now lift your legs and round your lower back till the knees are very close to the handle bar.
- From this position, straighten your low back till it is parallel to the floor. Keep hips and knees bent to 90 degrees.
- Hold this position for a specified time and repeat for a number of reps.

3. Dragon Flag Straddle Hold
Mastery: 3 sets of 15 second hold
How to Perform:
- To begin with you will need a curved sit up bench. Rest your back on the bench and grip the handle normally.
- Keep your hips and knees bent such that feet are placed on the floor.
- Now lift your legs and your lower back till the back is upright.
- Now straighten your legs and keep them fully wide apart (straddle).
- ‘From this position, straighten your low back till it is almost parallel to the floor. The legs should be kept straight and held above parallel.
- Hold this position for a specified time and repeat for a number of reps.

4. Dragon Flag Legs Together Lower Down
Mastery: 3 sets of 10 reps
How to Perform:
- Begin lying flat on the floor, back straight holding a weight overhead for counter balance.
- Tense core and bring legs straight up so only your shoulder blades are touching the floor.
- Keep the hips open, toes pointed, legs together and straight.
- Slowly lower your legs to the floor while keeping a hollow body position as an eccentric phase of the movement.
- Repeat for a number of reps and sets.

5. Dragon Flag Legs Together Hold
Mastery: 3 sets of 30 second hold
How to Perform:
- To begin with you will need a curved sit up bench. Rest your back on the bench and grip the handle normally.
- Keep your hips and knees bent such that feet are placed on the floor.
- Now lift your legs and lower back till the back is upright.
- Now straighten your legs up and keep them close together.
- From this position, straighten your low back till it is almost parallel to the floor. The legs should be kept straight and close together and held above parallel.
- Hold this position for specified time and repeat for a number of sets.

6. Scapula Contractions
Mastery: 3 sets of 20 reps
How to Perform:
- Begin by hanging from a bar with an overhand grip, legs together and straight.
- Keeping your arms straight the whole time, use your upper back muscles to pull the body up, a small yet effective movement.
- Lower body back down and repeat.

7. Vertical Pulls
Mastery: 3 sets of 12 reps
How to Perform:
- To begin with you need a horizontal bar/gymnastic rings hanging from a ceiling. Grab the bar (palms down), hands placed more than shoulder width apart.
- Lean back till elbows are straight, and the heels touch the ground. Keep legs shoulder width apart.
- Make sure the back, hips and knees are straight and you look towards the ceiling.
- Pull yourself up with your elbows moving perpendicular to the body till your chin is in level with the bar. Make sure your heels remain on the floor.
- Come down slowly by extending your elbows. The biceps work eccentrically to prevent jerky elbow extension.
- Repeat the above movement.

8. Vertical Pull and Holds
Mastery: 3 sets of 8 reps
How to Perform:
- To begin, grip the bar with an overhand hold, while body is in a somewhat horizontal position with heels on a box.
- Keep core tight and body in a straight line, arms straight hanging from bar.
- Pull chest towards the bar while keeping body straight and heels on box in front of you.
- Hold position for 5 seconds then repeat.

9. Military Pull-ups
Mastery: 2 sets of 10 reps
How to Perform:
- To begin, jump up and hang straight from bar with an overhand grip.
- Keep entire body straight and tight.
- Lock arms out and retract scapula as your head leans back as if going to front lever. Elevate only up to a 45 degree angle.
- Return to straight dead hang.
- Repeat per specified repetitions.

10. Military Pull-ups and Hold
Mastery: 2 sets of 7 reps
How to Perform:
- To begin, jump up and hang straight from bar with an overhand grip.
- Keep entire body straight and tight.
- Lock arms out and retract scapula as your head leans back as if going to front lever. Elevate only up to a 45 degree angle.
- Hold position for specified time.
- Repeat per specified repetitions and sets.

11. Vertical Position Hold
Mastery: 2 sets of 30 second hold
How to Perform:
- To begin with you need a horizontal bar/gymnastic rings hanging from a ceiling. Grab the bar with your hands placed more than shoulder width apart.
- Holding the bar firmly, swing your lower body up till you are upside down with legs straight and toes pointing to the ceiling.
- Make sure feet, knees, back, shoulders are in a straight line and elbows are extended.
- Hold this position for specified time.
- Come down slowly by bringing the lower body straight down without arching your back.
- Repeat the above steps.

12. Pull-up to Vertical
Mastery: 3 sets of 8 reps
How to Perform:
- To begin, jump up and hang from the bar with an overhand grip.
- Pullup, chin over bar, hold the position.
- Contract abdominals, pull thighs towards the bar, legs together and toes towards the ceiling.
- Lower legs back down, holding pull up position, then repeat and pull thighs towards the bar again.

13. Lower Down Tucks
Mastery: 3 sets of 10 reps
How to Perform:
- To begin with you need a horizontal bar/gymnastic rings hanging from a ceiling. Grab the bar with your hands placed more than shoulder width apart.
- Holding the bar firmly, swing your lower body up till you are upside down. Keep your hips and knees flexed (thighs touching the body) and back slightly rounded. – Tuck down position.
- Return to erect position by moving down from the shoulders till your feet touch the ground with hips and knees bent slightly.
- Repeat the above steps for a number of reps and sets.

14. Lower Down Legs Extended
Mastery: 3 sets of 10 reps
How to Perform:
- To begin with you need a horizontal bar/gymnastic rings hanging from a ceiling.
- Grab the bar with your hands placed more than shoulder width apart.
- Holding the bar firmly, swing your lower body up till you are upside down. Keep one hip and knee fully flexed and other leg extended with toes pointing upwards. Back slightly rounded.
- Begin returning to erect position by moving down from the shoulders till your spine is parallel to the floor. Keep one hip and knee fully flexed and other leg extended with toes pointing straight.
- Hold above position for around 5-10 seconds.
- Continue to return down till your feet rest on the floor.
- Repeat the above steps.

15. Lower Down One Leg Extended
Mastery: 3 sets of 5 reps
How to Perform:
- To begin with you need a horizontal bar/gymnastic rings hanging from a ceiling. Grab the bar with your hands placed more than shoulder width apart.
- Holding the bar firmly, swing your lower body up till you are upside down. Keep one hip and knee fully flexed and other leg extended with toes pointing upwards. Back slightly rounded.
- Begin returning to erect position by moving down from the shoulders till your spine is parallel to the floor. Keep one hip and knee fully flexed and other leg extended with toes pointing straight.
- Hold above position for around 5-10 seconds.
- Continue to return down till your feet rest on the floor.
- Repeat the above steps changing the extended leg.

16. Tuck Hold
Mastery: 3 sets of 30 second hold
How to Perform:
- To begin with you need a horizontal bar/gymnastic rings hanging from a ceiling. Grab the bar with your hands placed more than shoulder width apart.
- Holding the bar firmly, swing your lower body up till you are parallel to the floor and your hips and knees are flexed to 90 degrees and back slightly rounded.
- Hold this position for around 10 seconds.
- Return to erect position by moving down from the shoulders till your feet touch the ground with hips and knees bent slightly.
- Repeat for specified repetitions and sets.

17. One Leg Extended Tuck Hold
Mastery: 3 sets of 10 second hold
How to Perform:
- To begin with you need a horizontal bar/gymnastic rings hanging from a ceiling. Grab the bar with your hands placed more than shoulder width apart. (palms facing you).
- Holding the bar firmly, swing your lower body up till you are parallel to the floor. Keep one hip and knee fully flexed and other leg extended with toes pointing straight. Back slightly rounded.
- Hold above position for around 5-10 seconds.
- Continue to return down till your feet rest on the floor.
- Repeat the above steps switching the extended leg.
- Repeat for a number of reps and sets.

18. Lower Down Straddle
Mastery: 3 sets of 5 reps
How to Perform:
- To begin with you need a horizontal bar/gymnastic rings hanging from a ceiling. Grab the bar with your hands (palms up) placed more than shoulder width apart.
- Go to vertical position.
- Now open legs wide – straddle position.
- Make sure feet, hips,knees, back, shoulders and elbows are fully extended.
- Lower vertical straddle position with control to straddle front lever position and hold.
- Come down slowly by bringing the lower body straight down without arching your back.
- Bend at elbows, hips and knees while feet touch the ground.
- Repeat the above steps for a number of sets and reps.

19. Straddle Hold
Mastery: 3 sets of 5 second hold
How to Perform:
- To begin with you need a horizontal bar/gymnastic rings hanging from a ceiling. Grab the bar with your hands (palms up) placed more than shoulder width apart.
- Holding the bar firmly, swing your lower body up till your back is parallel to the floor.
- Now open legs wide – straddle position.
- Make sure feet, hips,knees, back, shoulders and elbows are fully extended.
- Hold this position for specified time.
- Come down slowly by bringing the lower body straight down without arching your back.
- Repeat for a number of sets.

20. Tuck Pulls
Mastery: 3 sets of 5 reps
How to Perform:
- To begin with you need a horizontal bar/gymnastic rings hanging from a ceiling. Grab the bar with your hands (palms up) placed more than shoulder width apart.
- Holding the bar firmly, swing your lower body up till you are parallel to the floor and your hips and knees are flexed to 90 degrees and back slightly rounded. – Tuck Position.
- Perform pull up with body held parallel to floor.
- Return to erect position by moving down from the shoulders till your feet touch the ground with hips, knees and elbows bent slightly.
- Repeat the above steps for specified repetitions and sets.

21. Tuck to Full Vertical Extension
Mastery: 3 sets of 3 reps
How to Perform:
- To begin with you need a horizontal bar/gymnastic rings hanging from a ceiling. Grab the bar with your hands (palms down) placed more than shoulder width apart.
- Holding the bar firmly, swing your lower body up till you are parallel to the floor and your hips and knees are flexed to 90 degrees and back slightly rounded. – Tuck Position.’
- From this position swing your body up till you are upside down with your upper back rounded a little and legs almost straight up
- Come back to tuck position (body parallel to floor).
- Perform the above two steps for a number of repetitions.
- Return to erect position by moving down from the shoulders till your feet touch the ground with hips, knees and elbows bent slightly.
- Repeat for a number of sets.

22. One Leg Extended Tuck to Full Vertical Extension
Mastery: 3 sets of 7 reps
How to Perform:
- To begin with you need a horizontal bar/gymnastic rings hanging from a ceiling. Grab the bar with your hands (palms down) placed more than shoulder width apart.
- Holding the bar firmly, swing your lower body up till you are parallel to the floor and your one hip and knee fully flexed and other leg straight – One leg Extended Tuck Position.
- From this position swing your body up till you are upside down with your upper back rounded a little and toes point up.
- Come back to one leg extended tuck position (body parallel to floor).
- Perform the above two steps for a number of reps and switch extended leg for each repetition.
- Return to erect position by moving down from the shoulders till your feet touch the ground with hips, knees and elbows bent slightly.
- Repeat for a number of sets.

23. Lower Down to Full Front Lever
Mastery: 3 sets of 5 reps
How to Perform:
- To begin with you need a horizontal bar/gymnastic rings hanging from a ceiling. Grab the bar with your hands (palms up) placed more than shoulder width apart.
- Holding the bar firmly, swing your lower body up till you are upside down with legs straight and toes pointing to ceiling.
- Make sure feet, knees, back, shoulders are in a straight line and elbows are extended
- Come down slowly by bringing the lower body straight down without arching your back
- Return to erect position by moving down from the shoulders till your feet touch the ground with hips, knees and elbows bent slightly.
- Repeat the above steps for specified repetitions and sets.

24. Straddle to Vertical Extension
Mastery: 3 sets of 3 reps
How to Perform:
- To begin with, you need a horizontal bar/gymnastic rings hanging from a ceiling.
- Grab the bar with your hands (palms up) placed more than shoulder width apart.
- Holding the bar firmly, swing your lower body up till you are parallel to the floor. Arms are straight and back slightly rounded. Now open legs wide – Straddle position.
- From this position swing your body up till you are upside down, legs extended and wide open with toes pointing up – Vertical extension.
- Bring the legs close.
- Come down slowly by bringing the lower body straight down without arching your back. Move from the shoulder.
- Bend at elbows, hips and knees while feet touch the ground.
- Repeat the above steps for specified repetitions and sets.

25. Front Lever Static Hold
Mastery: 3 sets of 5 second hold
How to Perform:
- For this exercise you will need a low hanging bar. Hold the bar with over or under the bar grip with the hands placed slightly more than shoulder width apart.
- Now straighten your arms and raise your lower body till you are parallel to the floor.
- Keep the abs tight. The legs should be straight and shoulder width apart. The upper back is rounded slightly.
- Hold this position for as long as you can.
- Repeat the above steps for a number of sets.

1. Inverted Hip Thrust
Mastery: 3 sets of 10 reps
How to Perform:
- Hang from rings and elevate feet up onto the box, get into a straight body position and hang from rings.
- Lower hips toward the ground, pause, then squeeze glutes raising hips up into a straight body position.
- Repeat specified repetitions and sets.

2. Straddle Hip Thrusts & Pull
Mastery: 3 sets of 10 reps
How to Perform:
- Hang from rings and elevate feet up onto the box with legs straddled, start with hips on the ground.
- Contract glutes and lift hips off the ground, in a tight straight body position.
- Pull chest toward rings, flexing elbows.
- Straighten arms, and return hips to floor.
- Repeat specified repetitions.

3. Straight Leg Hip Thrusts
Mastery: 3 sets of 10 reps
How to Perform:
- Begin with upper back against the box and step feet out so legs are in a straight line with your upper body.
- Keep your arms straight along your sides.
- Bend at hips and lower your hips towards the floor, keeping legs straight.
- Press hips back up towards the ceiling, body in a straight line.
- Repeat specified repetitions.

4. Scapula Contractions
Mastery: 3 sets of 20 reps
How to Perform:
- Begin by hanging from a bar with an overhand grip, legs together and straight.
- Keeping your arms straight the whole time, use your upper back muscles to pull body up, a small yet effective movement
- Lower body back down and repeat.

5. Inverted Deadlift
Mastery: 3 sets of 10 reps
How to Perform:
- Jump up and hang from bar.
- With legs straight and together, bring your thighs toward the bar as your head leans towards the ground
- Use abdominals and pull toes up toward the ceiling as hips open up.
- Bend hips and lower toes back down.
- Repeat specified repetitions and sets.

6. Banded Front Lever Raises
Mastery: 3 sets of 10 reps
How to Perform:
- Place band under one foot and hang from bar.
- Maintain a straight body position and bring hips up to the bar, body parallel to the floor – the front lever position.
- Lower back to an upright position.
- Repeat specified repetitions and sets.

1. Hanging Straight Leg V Raises
Mastery: 3 sets of 12 reps
How to Perform:
- Grip a hanging bar with hands placed slightly more than shoulder width apart. Make sure your arms and back are straight.
- Keep your legs straight and close. Bend your hips a little so that the feet are off the floor.
- From this position, lift your legs straight up till the hips are bent slightly more than 90 degrees.
- Feel the lower ab, quadriceps and hip flexors tense while lifting the legs. The low back gets slightly rounded
- Repeat for specified reps and sets.

2. Dragon Flag Legs Together Lower Down
Mastery: 3 sets of 10 reps
How to Perform:
- Begin lying flat on the floor, back straight
- Tense core and bring legs straight up so only your shoulder blades are touching the floor.
- Keep the hips open, toes pointed, legs together and straight.
- Keeping abs tense, slowly lower your legs to the floor.
- Repeat for reps and sets.

3. Military Pull-ups
Mastery: 2 sets of 10 reps
How to Perform:
- To begin, jump up and hang straight from bar with an overhand grip.
- Keep entire body straight and tight.
- Lock arms out and retract scapula as your head leans back as if going to front lever. Elevate only up to a 45 degree angle.
- Lower legs, return to straight dead hang.
- Repeat per specified repetitions and sets.

4. Kipping Belly Button to Bar
Mastery: 2 sets of 10 reps
How to Perform:
- Begin by jumping up and grabbing the bar with an overhand grip
- Hang straight, legs together.
- Swing forward, arching body, feet behind you.
- Swing back, and pull belly button up to the bar.
- Lower back down.
- Repeat for specified repetitions.

5. Inverted Deadlifts
Mastery: 3 sets of 10 reps
How to Perform:
- Jump up and hang from bar.
- With legs straight and together, bring your thighs toward the bar as your head leans towards the ground.
- Use abdominals and pull toes up toward the ceiling as hips open up.
- Bend hips and lower toes back down.
- Repeat specified repetitions.

1. Bent Legs Extended Hips Hold
Mastery: 3 sets of 10 second hold
How to Perform:
- Hang from bar, legs straight and together.
- Pull hips toward bar, so body is parallel to the floor, with knees bent and feet toward butt.
- Hold position for specified time.

2. One Leg Extensions
Mastery: 1 set of 10 reps
How to Perform:
- Hang from bar, legs straight and together.
- Pull hips toward bar, so body is parallel to the floor, with knees bent and feet toward butt
- Extend one leg out straight, then the other. Repeat.
- Repeat for specified repetitions.

3. L-sit
Mastery: 1 set of 30 second hold
How to Perform:
- To begin with you will need a pair of parallel bars.
- Grip the bars and Lift your body up so that the feet do not touch the floor. Look ahead.
- Keep the arms and legs straight. The back should be straight and abs tight.
- Keep feet together.
- In this position lift your legs straight up so that hips are bent to 90 degrees.
- Now hold this position for specified time and repeat for a number of sets.

4. Dragon Flag Tuck Hold
Mastery: 3 sets of 15 second hold
How to Perform:
- To begin with you will need decline sit up bench. Rest your back on the bench and grip the handle normally.
- Keep your hips and knees bent such that feet are placed on the floor.
- Now lift your legs and round your lower back till the knees are very close to the handle bar.
- From this position, straighten your low back and lower your lower torso till it is parallel to the floor. Keep hips and knees bent to 90 degrees.
- Hold this position for a specified time and repeat for a number of sets.

5. Dragon Flag Straddle Hold
Mastery: 3 sets of 15 second hold
How to Perform:
- To begin with you will need a curved sit up bench. Rest your back on the bench and grip the handle normally.
- Keep your hips and knees bent such that feet are placed on the floor.
- Now lift your legs and your lower back till the back is upright.
- Now straighten your legs and keep them fully wide apart (straddle).
- From this position, straighten your low back till it is almost parallel to the floor. The legs should be kept straight and held above parallel.
- Hold this position for a specified time and repeat for a number of sets.

6. Dragon Flag Legs Together Hold
Mastery: 3 sets of 30 second hold
How to Perform:
- To begin with you will need a curved sit up bench. Rest your back on the bench and grip the handle normally.
- Keep your hips and knees bent such that feet are placed on the floor.
- Now lift your legs and lower back till the back is upright.
- Now straighten your legs up and keep them close together.
- From this position, straighten your low back till it is almost parallel to the floor. The legs should be kept straight and close together and held above parallel.
- Hold this position for specified time and repeat for a number of sets.

7. Vertical Position Hold
Mastery: 3 sets of 30 second hold
How to Perform:
- To begin with you need a horizontal bar/gymnastic rings hanging from a ceiling. Grab the bar with your hands placed more than shoulder width apart.
- Holding the bar firmly, swing your lower body up till you are upside down with legs straight and toes pointing to ceiling.
- Make sure feet, knees, back, shoulders are in a straight line and elbows are extended.
- Hold this position for specified time.
- Come down slowly by bringing the lower body straight down without arching your back.
- Repeat the above steps.

8. Tuck Hold
Mastery: 3 sets of 30 second hold
How to Perform:
- To begin with you need a horizontal bar/gymnastic rings hanging from a ceiling.
- Grab the bar with your hands placed more than shoulder width apart.
- Holding the bar firmly, swing your lower body up till you are parallel to the floor and your hips and knees are flexed to 90 degrees and back slightly rounded.
- Hold this position for around 10 seconds.
- Return to erect position by moving down from the shoulders till your feet touch the ground with hips and knees bent slightly.
- Keep core tight at all times.
- Repeat for specified repetitions and a number of sets.

9. Straddle Hold
Mastery: 3 sets of 5 second hold
How to Perform:
- To begin with you need a horizontal bar/gymnastic rings hanging from a ceiling. Grab the bar with your hands (palms up) placed more than shoulder width apart.
- Holding the bar firmly, swing your lower body up till your back is parallel to the floor. Now open legs wide – straddle position.
- Make sure feet, hips,knees, back, shoulders and elbows are fully extended. Hold this position for specified time.
- Come down slowly by bringing the lower body straight down without arching your back.
- Repeat the above steps for a number of sets.

🎯 Remember that you can skip some steps depending on your capabilities and speed in progress, but you have to do it honestly.
The progression only sets a pathway to get you to front lever quicker and safer, but it’s your values and mindset will actually get you there. You can learn more about it from this article: What it takes to learn front lever?
Take charge, prepare yourself and set your way to your
front lever journey! 🏆