![[CASE_STUDY]_Kristian_Banner How to workout duirng the corona virus](https://themovementathlete.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/CASE_STUDY_Kristian_Banner.png)

Join the tribe of Movement & Calisthenics Athletes – people just like you that are working with their own body weight to get strength, lose fat build muscle, recover from injuries and live their best lives!
Meet Kristian
This is Kristian. He’s a 39-year-old complaint technician on electronic logbooks. This work doesn’t stop him from moving forward on his fitness journey.

He has trained weight the traditional weightlifting programs in the gym. After that, he moved forward to kettlebells, but that led to a problem. Training with these types of resistance placed him in a strength stagnation. Alongside that, he has been battling a lifetime case of back pains.
All of these changed when he trained with The Movement Athlete Academy.
Since then, he no longer feels the back pain that has been tormenting him through his life. He suddenly broke his strength stagnation as well as increasing his mobility. But more importantly, he had more time for his family. He isn’t stressed or worried about his workout. He is in a better mind space.
Here’s Kristian’s story.

Power stagnation
“After ‘classical gym fitness’ training I tried kettlebells – it was fun, but after one year I began stagnating in power increasing.”
Kristian has done the traditional weightlifting as well as kettlebell training. Not to bash on the two approaches but they might not be for everyone especially if your goal is to have a strong, healthy, mobile and balanced body throughout the years.
Weightlifting is great in building muscle and strength puts too much stress on the joints, especially if you’re training with improper form and program. There’s also a risk of immobility and higher risks of injury with this approach. Power stagnation is also a common issue in the weight room when provided with an inadequate program format.
Kristian enjoyed his switch to kettlebells. Well, a new platform is fun as a new experience. When Kristian hit the strength plateau, the fun in the exercise evaporated into the air.
Kettlebells are good for developing strength and muscles. It also excellent in building the core, but because of the form of the equipment, it’s pretty risky to use. You can’t really go heavy for strength gains that’s why you’ll get your power to stagnate pretty quickly. Go heavy and you’ll be putting yourself in a world of hurt for sure.
Kettlebells make use of complex movements while using the kettlebells as resistance. Because of the uneven weight distribution of the equipment, you’ll have to have a strong grip and a solid core. This is a double-edged sword for Kristian. It can walk you towards your fitness goal or walk you straight to the emergency room.
Good thing Kristian didn’t push it too much that he didn’t get injured. Problem is that he no longer progressed.
Back pain all his life
Kristian was experiencing back pain all his life. This could be attributed also because of his work, but could also root from weight lifting and his kettlebell training.
The nature of the exercises in both approaches is very prone to imbalanced training. This means that programming might not help you build an overall balanced body. Each body part needs to be trained equally for growth.
Another possible cause of back pain is an injury from the two approaches. As said earlier, the movements involved are complex and there’s also an external weight involved. When you train with too much weight or with improper form (you might have not noticed this), you can injure yourself because of the excessive weight on your muscles. This leads to muscle tears or strains. Ouch!
Looking for the one
“I’m an eternal seeker of the “one” right training routine, that will satisfy me. I will enjoy it and will have visible results.”
Like everybody else, Kristian likes convenience. Who doesn’t? We like a program that we enjoy and delivers results without jumping from program to program. The switches could be a tiring task. Once you maximize your gains from a program, you’ll need to look for another one that will continue your growth. And looking for the next one is not easy. There are too many options that not all are effective and worthy of your time, effort and money.
Wouldn’t you like to stay on a specific program, or app rather, so you don’t have to look for the next one? That one app that you can trust for a lifetime and get benefits throughout the years. No more looking for other apps and programs. No more research; just results.
We believe Kristian found the one.
“Then I started with calisthenics inspired by Convict Conditioning book – I fell in love with bodyweight training, results were coming slowly but surely.”
Kristian happens to found out about calisthenics. He found an excellent approach to boot with Convict Conditioning’s programming. He knows he’s going to places with calisthenics.
After a few training sessions, he later found out about The Movement Athlete Academy. With no hesitation, Kristian gave it a try.
“Looks good. Let’s give them a chance. 🙂
“This is exactly what I was looking for.”
“I tried 7 days for free and when I saw the number of gradual movements, possibilities of how long (minutes, hours…) you can train, which day, just push the ‘start’ and then follow the instructions.”
Kristian took the opportunity of testing out the app for free. Within the 7 days of trial, he found out that The Movement Athlete is the program for him. He said,
“I wasn’t worried about joining.”
No worries because of the free trial. What do you have to lose? It’s free. For 7 days, Kristian got the feel for the app and found out about its capabilities: Convenient access, visually appealing, tailored programming, easy to follow, easy to execute and deliver results.
Sure progress in each training
“I’m joining the program just for one month, so my body is getting used to all these moves. However, every other training I do a little progress.”
Kristian has been using the app for just a month. His body is still adjusting to the movements and different holds, but he’s sure he’s making progress thanks to the app interface.
The Movement Athlete app shows where you are in your fitness journey and where you are after your training session. Displayed as a percentage, you’ll be cruising in your fitness journey as if you’re playing a game. Unlocking levels and moving closer and closer in each training session. You’ll know you’re improving bit by bit. Also, you’ll feel it in your body after your rest.
Effortlessly record your training
“The reason I chose TMA is that I’m not good at organizing my training, even if I kept a diary. With TMA app I just check what I need for actual training and push start.”
One great way to also know your progressing is by tracking your training. It’s an important habit if you want to continually improve. Tracking and keeping a record keeps you in line with your goal. It helps you maintain your motivation as well as adjust your program according to your performance. You really have to put effort into your tracking and regularly write it down in your notebook or computer.
With, The Movement Athlete, you don’t have to worry about this troublesome yet rewarding habit because the app already does it for you. The app has a built-in feature that tracks your progress as well as automatically adjusts your workout depending on your progress. You’ll have to do some very easy manual (You should be honest here, too) inputs regarding your training then the app prepares a program that will accommodate your needs. You don’t have to worry about anything anymore. Everything’s already in the touch of a button.
“Complexity, exercises variety, precise guidance.”
Kristian’s talking about the program that the app provides. The program is full of exercises that’s not too many and not too few when put together. The program is designed especially for you and your needs. Every skill level and individual situation is accommodated by the app.
The app makes use of a powerful algorithm so that you’ll be training basically with a personal trainer through the app. Your trainer app won’t be too strict that you’ll always be exhausted and you can’t finish your workout properly. Leaving you feeling defeated that you’ll probably quit soon. At the same time, the trainer app won’t be too lenient on you that you won’t be making any gains.
With a number of exercises that you probably haven’t heard of, the app provides clear and visual instructions in each exercise. There’s no need to guess on how to perform the exercise. You’ll just be focusing on executing good quality movements for the best possible gains. You don’t have to worry about your program. Kristian even added,
“There are other apps that are pretty good, but incomparable with TMA app which is far more sophisticated and illustrative.”
Address weaknesses
“I realized that I’m not as powerful as I thought. Some easy-looking exercises gave me a hard time.”
Calisthenics exercises, in its nature, engages the whole body with specific muscles bearing most the tension. Add that some exercises also train mobility and even targets minor muscles that you probably didn’t know you have.
As a result, you’ll be able an overall well-balanced body. Factor in the scientific program designed for you by The Movement Athlete, you will be able to strengthen all muscle groups, major and minor. This will help you reach the maximum potential of your strength, body control, mobility and freedom in movement.
“I think my biggest struggle is weak shoulders. I’m still struggling with it but I hope The Movement Athlete will help me.”
In Kristian’s case, the app will surely be able to address his issue. Especially in his case that a major muscle group is his weakness, this will be easily resolved in time. Major muscle groups usually bear the maximum load in most exercises. He’ll surely be seeing progress in his shoulder soon. In calisthenics, you would like to have strong shoulders if you want to train for skills.
“Variety of movements. It’s just fun, no dull.”
Weaknesses will be addressed through a wide variety of progressions. There are plenty of exercises you’ll be able to experience. That’s what Kristian also likes about the app. A wide variety of movements allow you to have fun and stay motivated. Motivation leads to consistency and consistency leads to the gains you’re aiming for.
With The Movement Athlete Academy, you’ll enjoy your training. You will see and feel the strength, muscle and mobility gains, and keep them coming throughout the years.
Benefits Kristian gained from joining
The Movement Athlete

Stress-free and care-free workout platform
“It is very comfortable when I come home from work and spending time with my little sons that I don’t need to think about my workout.”
Before training with the app, Kristian spends time in preparing and designing his workout. That small amount of time seems irrelevant, but upon training now with The Movement Athlete, Kristian was able to spend more time with his family. He’s in a better mind space after coming home from work. He no longer worries about his workout.
As the app already adjusts to your schedule, The Movement Athlete app also frees up more time for you. You don’t have to deal with the stress of traveling to your gym and traversing the heavy traffic. With the app, you can already train in the comforts of your own home, saving time, effort and money.
With the app, Kristian just needs to open the app then follow the program designed for him. What a trainer usually does, the app already prepares it for you. When you’re stress-free and care-free, you’ll be able to perform better in your workout, too.

Pain-free life
“Like I said I don’t do it for a long time but I can say, as I had lower back problems for all my life, now I don’t know what the lower back problem is. To be honest lower back exercises are the only ones that I don’t like too much (especially swimmers!:) but they really work.”
I’m not talking about the natural pain you’ll be experiencing from your workout. As the cliche goes, “No pain, no gain.” You’ll probably feel some muscle sores from time to time because of your muscles getting used to the new stimulus you’ll be experiencing. That’s a good kind of pain.
The pain we’re talking about that Kristian is no longer experiencing, and you wouldn’t want to experience, is the pain that lingers throughout your day. The stiff neck, the lower back pain, the aching joints that haunt you in your everyday life. Leaving you ill-tempered, in pain and hopeless.
Kristian isn’t haunted by this soul-crushing dilemma any more thanks to calisthenics and The Movement Athlete Academy. With the app, he is able to take care of his joints and muscles. He increased his range of motion that gives him the freedom in his movement and alleviates the pain in weak muscles that causes imbalances. Kristian is also developing his bullet-proof joints. The inevitable effects of time can be slowed down thanks to his now newfound approach to fitness.

To cap up, Kristian made some breakthroughs with his strength and mobility even for just a month of use. The app delivered a user-friendly interface, that’s easy to navigate and caters to your needs depending on your current situation.
On that matter, Kristian gained more freedom in his life.
Freedom with his time. Freedom in his movements. Freedom in his workout and more importantly, freedom from pain, worries, and stress.
Final Advice
We’ve asked Kristian on what advice can he give on moving forward towards your fitness journey. Here’s what he has to say
“To be patient and fair to him/herself – stay with given exercise as long as it is needed and don’t try to push it forward at any cost.”
We have to agree with Kristian. Patience and consistency is the key to moving forward. You don’t have to rush the process in your journey. Rushing will only lead to injuries along the way that will probably set you back even further. Keep everything consistent and trust that you’re moving forward inch by inch.
“Sometimes it is needed to make my own video to compare – that’s probably the best way to assure myself I’m doing it right.”
Another great advice from Kristian and taking a video of yourself for comparison. Especially if you’re new to the movement, it’s very difficult to know if you’re doing the correct movement without anyone’s help. For reference, set up your phone and take a video of yourself doing the exercise. Remember that proper form is very vital. Quality over quantity. Make sure you’re perfectly executing the exercise in every aspect before continuing.
To finish off, here’s Kristian’s favorite quote,
“The only failure is when we give up something. Everything else is only seeking information”
Treat your downs as part of your learning process to move forward. Just don’t give up on your journey. If you want to minimize your mistakes, train with The Movement Athlete Academy.