This is the story of Don – The Movement Athlete
Don works in the healthcare industry as an engineer. A father of three and grandfather of four, he’s always been an athlete.

“I got real serious about lifting weights and increased in size until I was up to 240lbs and could throw some heavy weight.”
However, weight training became counter-productive for Don. Being a martial artist, he needed mobility more than he needed a body heavy with muscle.
“It slowed me down big time doing martial arts.”

It fits with his martial arts training
When he weight trained, he actually lost some of his range-of-motion, which is so important to martial arts.
“I think functional strength is extremely important for life and complements many other athletic activities. I teach self-defense and the calisthenics is the stuff that keeps a man in shape and prepares him for whatever comes his way.”

It’s always challenging
Despite being a lifelong athlete, calisthenics is a challenge to Don. The Movement Athlete program has actually forced him to start at the very beginning, despite being in very good shape. “Doing a plank for me for 10 seconds was easy but holding for 30 seconds is more difficult.”
“It was a slight blow to my ego to start at the very beginning but I really wanted to learn from the bottom up.”

He’s learning new skills

These injuries started piling up and dogging him. “After a couple of years of back injuries, I started looking for other forms of exercise.”
He tried a variety of training programs, but none were motivating or attention-grabbing in the long-term. They also felt didn’t complement his martial arts training, not really helping him progress.

Don doing the side plank
Finding The Movement Athlete
Before Don started with The Movement Athlete, he tried another program. “I came across a course I could do at home that promised I could do one arm push ups, one arm pull ups, muscle ups, etc in 9 months.”
However, once he started the course, he kept getting injured. Taking a step back from the program, he realized that he was going through the program too quickly to learn proper form. “[I] realized [I] needed the help of experts in gymnastics and calisthenics.”
And so Don went to find a program that would support him in his needs.
“I stumbled across The Movement Athlete and started the program…It fits well with my martial arts training and is challenging.”

Don Doing Dips