Join the tribe of Movement & Calisthenics Athletes – people just like you that are working with their own body weight to get strength, lose fat build muscle, recover from injuries and live their best lives!
Meet Adam
Adam is a 52-year old school administrator from Mexico.
You’ll be surprised how strong 💪 he is even at his age to the point that he might be much stronger than some of the athletic kids he’s handling in school.

His secret?
Here’s his story.

“I’ve always been athletic, enjoying playing basketball and running.”
🤜 Even during his younger years, Adam had a passion for moving. Sports were an integral part of his lifestyle. He needed to stay fit if he wanted to be able to move with freedom as time goes by.
“I became interested in The Movement Athlete when I needed to take time off from running due to repetitive stress injury in my foot.”🤕
Unfortunately, Adam sustained a foot injury which prevented him from playing his favorite physical activity. As you know, running is also one element in basketball.
But with the drive to improve and stay healthy, especially at his age, 🧐 Adam searched for other alternatives to keep his passion for movement alive.
When he found out about The Movement Athlete, he was surprised by the progress that he made!

“Like everyone, I wanted stronger arms and chest.”💪
Most people tend to only work on the muscles that we usually see and “use,” such as the arms, chest, and abs.
Adam didn’t expect to be stronger in much more aspects and muscle groups as well.👊
Here’s are just some of the benefits Adam experienced when he decided to train with The Movement Athlete.

Benefits Adam gained from joining
The Movement Athlete

Holistic growth
“But I’ve been very surprised at the strength I’ve gained in my lifetime, especially my back.”
Not only he got stronger with his arms and chest, he also got much stronger in other muscles groups and even muscles he didn’t even know existed.
Strength was only one factor for the TMA program design. Other elements such as mobility, endurance, and skill (technique and awareness) are also covered to improve overall general health and fitness.
What good is strength if you can only use it for a brief period, or with a limited range of motion, or if you get off-balanced all the time.
Adam was very much happy and surprised with his new level of fitness.

Convenient, personalized training
“It’s nice to be able to open an app and just complete a workout instead of having to design your own program…”
At a tap of a finger, Adam gets access to a training program designed specifically for him. He no longer needs to take the time and analyze and build off of a program that might or might not work for him.
He can focus much of his energy on other more important things such as his actual training, his work, relationships, his life because the demand to design a program is no longer there. Let’s face it, building a program sounds easy, but when you’re in the process, you’ll get overwhelmed by the number of factors you need to take into consideration.
The Movement Athlete saves you time, energy, and effort with an already personalized program.

Sustainable training through adaptive programmin
“…. and the app adjusts to you on your good and your bad days.”
What makes Adam’s new training program amazing is that he can train properly and realistically even when his mood or energy levels are not at it’s best.
The problem with many programs is that they don’t consider the other ever-changing mood and effort level of the user. Not all the time, we can push our 100% effort in our workout because our energy may be depleted from an exhausting shift from work or a brutal math exam, or maybe you’re just not in the best mood to give your 100%.
The Movement Athlete app takes care of it by adjusting your workout to how you feel. At least, you can move the level and effort you are able to given that day.
This allows for a sustainable training regimen. You don’t get burnt out easily that can severely lose your motivation.
Adam was very happy with this feature and was one of the deciding elements for his program of choice.

🏆 Adam made a massive change in his fitness lifestyle after sustaining a foot injury from running, but maybe it’s for the best since he found out about the app that changes his life.
🏆 Now, he’s much stronger, more mobile, more resilient, thanks to the powerful adaptive and personalized training program from The Movement Athlete.
🏆 Aside from that, he can stay more consistent for more gains because of the sustainable approach The Movement Athlete’s provides.
So what does Adam has to say to you?🤔
“What are you waiting for? You won’t find a better deal out there.”💯
💪You heard Adam. Become a Movement Athlete and experience the change.
“Guys, join today!” 👊