No More Diets: Tricking Your Mind Into Weight Loss

The mind is a powerful thing.
When motivated, you can convince yourself of almost anything. “Yes, I do need to spend $200 on a new gym bag. No, I don’t need to wash my hair as long as I have dry shampoo.”
When highly motivated, you can get your body to play along with your brain, like in Phantom Limb Pain when there is pain in a limb that has been amputated, False Pregnancy when women who are not pregnant begin to develop many pregnancy-like symptoms or with the “Placebo Effect” that reports up to 70 percent of participants in clinical trials see an improvement in their symptoms simply from a placebo.
Although the conditions above are not favorable, you can also use this power for good. In this case, to make weight loss easier.
People spend lots of money on supplements that are supposed to suppress appetite to help lose weight. Although some do help a little, others are not yet proven to be effective…yet they’re still on the market!
What if I were to tell you that there is a cost-free strategy to naturally suppress your appetite, increase your metabolism and encourage your body to be lighter and leaner?
This strategy follows a training plan that focuses heavily on bodyweight training and gymnastic-type movements, such as handstands and pull-ups.

Think Like a Gymnast
Gymnasts are famously known for being lean, muscular and nimble.
This is obvious because they are required to propel their body weight over obstacles, balance and walk on their hands and perform feats that would be much more difficult if they were holding onto excess body fat.
If you’ve ever gone on vacation, gained a few pounds and returned to your workouts only to find they feel much more difficult, you know that extra weight doesn’t make running, pull-ups, or really any exercise, easier.
Hoisting five extra pounds up to the bar on a pull-up or inverted row is no small feat for the muscles of your back. For someone weighing 140 pounds, that’s an extra 4% of their weight.
This brings us to the reason that bodyweight and gymnastic training can be so powerful for weight loss. If you are rigidly following a training program that requires you to practice handstands, plyometric movements and pulling around your bodyweight, your brain knows that these moves are easier when you are lighter.
The concept of neuroplasticity states that the brain reorganizes itself throughout your life. With training, “every movement of the body provides sensory feedback for the brain to process and adapt to.” Meaning, while you are practicing, your brain will work with you to make adaptations to improve your ability.
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Our Hormones need to work with you
There’s also a little-known benefit that inverted positions, like the handstand, have on the body. Research shows that handstands help to stimulate your endocrine system and reduce Cortisol, the body’s major stress hormone. When Cortisol levels are high, weight loss is not likely.
Lower your cortisol and increase your capability for weight loss.
Furthermore, “the inversion [with handstands] brings blood to the thyroid glands to help regulate the production of T3 and T4 [metabolism controlling hormones], which also affects metabolism.”
Don’t look at the Scale
In addition to the hormonal and physical benefits of bodyweight training, focusing on these performance-based movements redirects your focus away from the scale. I enjoyed seeing my developments in strength with this type of training and used my nutrition as a means to enhance performance.
My focus wasn’t on the number on the scale, but at being better able to improve my skills. This impacted my portion sizes and the choices I made.
Another benefit, of course, is that when you practice these movements, you increase your neural connection to the muscles and build more lean mass.
More neural connection = more body awareness and control. More lean mass = better use of the food you eat to fuel and build your muscles rather than storage as fat.
There is also a convenient check and balance in this system. If you go totally off the rails with your diet over the weekend, your workout on Monday will remind you to reel it back in over the week because you don’t want to keep making the workouts harder and harder.
Prioritize Performance-based Goals
Finally, an often underestimated trick of bodyweight training or performance-based goals is the confidence and diligence you build while working towards these goals.
I still remember being able to do my first unassisted pull-up, a stark comparison to the middle school girl who achieved ¼ of a rep on her pull-up test. The satisfaction and confidence will empower you to continue making healthy decisions and stick to your training program.
So start small, but pick a goal or a training plan that involves a lot of handstands, pull-ups, sprints, plyometrics and push-ups. See if you can trick your mind into losing weight by enhancing the mind-body connection and requiring it to be light, leaner and more nimble for your bodyweight movements.
A sample workout to get started
1. Circuit One
a. Burpee to Pull Up
b. Handstand
c. Bulgarian Split Squat Jump
d. Inverted Row
e. Hanging Straight Leg Raise
2. Circuit Two
a. Pike Push Up
b. Pistol Squat (or assisted pistol squat)
c. Jump-Rope
d. Eccentric Pull Up
e. Hollow Body Hold
Perform all exercises for 45 seconds with 15 seconds’ rest between exercises and one-minute rest between rounds. Perform Circuit One for 4 rounds before moving on to Circuit Two for 4 rounds.
Have you noticed better weight control or weight loss with incorporating bodyweight movements into your training routine? Leave a comment a below or post in the Facebook group with your experience!