all trainers › REBECCA CAPLAN

“Why build things to last, when you can build them to grow?”

#gymnastics #crossfit 

New York, US

Rebecca Caplan is a TMA gymnastics coach. 

-17 years USAG Elite level coaching

– 2017 head coach of Canada’s Bronze Medal Winning Maccabi Games Senior Division

-Former Level 10 USAG athlete

-Competitive Collegiate Athlete (Texas Women’s University and Temple University)

-Current NCATA officiant for College Acrobatics and Tumbling

– Competitive Crossfit Athlete


Becky Caplan started training gymnastics when she was just 3 years old and started coaching when she was 14.

What are the most important lessons she’s learnt?

How did her approach to fitness has changed over the years?

What are the most important principles she wants to pass on her clients?

Watch our interview with Becky to find out!