Join the tribe of Movement & Calisthenics Athletes – people just like you that are working with their own body weight to get strength, lose fat build muscle, recover from injuries and live their best lives!

This is the story of Tyler – The Movement Athlete

Tyler is a physical therapist who discovered calisthenics as a student. He’d weight trained for a decade before that. His view of what health and fitness meant changed drastically upon discovering calisthenics

“Being healthy is a personal journey. No one can force it upon you, nor can you force anyone into it.”

Tyler and his wife

Tyler realized that his take on fitness and health needed to change during his school years. After spending almost a decade lifting weights, he saw calisthenics as a healthier alternative for himself.

“I would rather have mastery over my own body than be able to bench-press X amount of weight.”

He joined The Movement Athlete community because he saw the chance to master skills that aren’t found in the Convict Conditioning book. The Movement Athlete has also offered him structure and brought out a dedication that he didn’t have before.

“I can say that I have been much more consistent with my workouts since joining the program since (a) I paid for it with my hard-earned money and (b) I don’t have to worry about programming since it takes care of that for me.”

He’s dealt with obstacles along the way, and his journey is still an ongoing challenge. But The Movement Athlete has provided him the tools to help him grow and train without being held back by having to worry about issues such as consistency, and planning and programming his workouts. By using a program that automates those things, he’s able to focus completely on the training itself.

the movement athlete calisthenics app
“It is also nice to see what percentage of each skill I have mastered – it makes it much like a game, which adds an element of fun and enjoyment to completing each workout.”
The 2 main benefits Tyler has gained from calisthenics

A new mindset about fitness and health

Thanks to calisthenics, Tyler’s take on what it means to be fit and healthy has changed for the better. Weight-lifting is an amazing way to obtain quick results, but is focused on isolated muscles. Calisthenics develops functional, all-around strength by training muscle groups instead. “My perspective on fitness has evolved into one of body mastery – not an obsession over calories burned and minutes spent getting my heart rate elevated every week.”

A new relationship to food

“This isn’t to say that Tyler had bad eating habits before! But he’s now more conscious of his food choices, favoring a mostly raw, whole foods diet. “[I eat] what makes me feel most alive. If I have to pull it out of a package, I won’t eat it. If it grew from the earth and was not tampered with, I eat it. Simple.”
“Would you rather have the ability to boast of bench pressing 300 pounds or to do a one-arm pull-up? To me, pulling my entire body up with one arm is much more impressive.”
“Stick with it! It is hard at first, especially if you are stuck on a lower-level, high rep exercise. But persevering is worth it! Finally reaching each goal is so exciting.”
“make it a part of your daily routine, no exceptions. I do something active every day, even if it is not calisthenics training.” – Tyler
Tyler’s advice to anyone who is curious about calisthenics

“Just jump in! Here’s a silly, yet relevant scenario: don’t be that person who hates bananas but has never actually eaten one.”

“My perspective on fitness has evolved into one of body mastery – not an obsession over calories burned and minutes spent getting my heart rate elevated every week. ”